About me

About me 2019-03-20T00:08:04+01:00

About me

Tadeusz Bartoś

Philosopher and theologian, journalist, university lecturer.

He completed Theology in the Dominican College of Philosophy and Theology in Cracow. He also finished Ph.D. studies in the Department of Philosophy and Sociology in Warsaw University. He was awarded the degree of associate professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences).

Bartoś writes for the leading Polish journals. He is the author of various publications within the scope philosophy and theology, including: Jan Paweł II. Analiza krytyczna (John Paul II. Critical Analysis), W poszukiwaniu mistrzów życia (In Search for the Masters in Life), Ścieżki wolności (Paths of Freedom) and many others.

Currently Bartoś is a professor at the Pultusk Academy of Humanities.

About me

Tadeusz Bartoś

Born in 1967 in Krotoszyn, Poland. In 1987–1993, Bartoś studied philosophy and theology at the Dominican College of Philosophy and Theology in Cracow. In 1993 he was awarded an M.A. with a thesis entitled “The Concept of Rationalization of Philosophy in the Cracow Circle, 1936–1939,” in which he analyzed the ability to modernize Scholastic philosophy and theology using 20th-century formal logic.

In 1994–1998 he studied for his Ph.D. at the Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology at the University of Warsaw, which he was awarded for the dissertation entitled Thomas Aquinas’s Theory of Love: A Study of the Commentary on the Divine Names of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.

In 1998–2001 he worked on a translation of Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Gospel According to John. To complete this work, he received a grant in 2001 from the State Committee for Scientific Research (No. 1 H01B011 20 PB 0041/H01/2001/20). This research project, which he directed, was conducted at the University of Warsaw Institute of Philosophy. The translation and edition of the Commentary was published in 2002 by Antyk.

In 1996–2006 he was a lecturer on philosophical anthropology at the Dominican College of Philosophy and Theology in Warsaw. In July 1996 he participated in the St. Thomas Summer School in Vilnius, where he gave three lectures. In 1998 he was in residence at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, on a research fellowship. In July 2000 he participated in the international conference “Thomism and the Future of Philosophy” in Vilnius, where he presented a paper entitled “On the Benefits Resulting from the Application of the Reistic Model of Interpreting the Philosophical Statements of Thomas Aquinas.” In July 2000 he was a lecturer at the international workshop Aquinas Summer School in Birštonas, Lithuania. In December 2000 he participated in the international conference “Aquinas as Authority” in Leusden, Netherlands, where he presented a paper entitled “On the Necessity of Avoiding Hypostases in the Interpretation of Thomas Aquinas’s Philosophical Terminology.”

In August 2002 he participated in an international conference on Medieval philosophy in Porto, where he presented a paper entitled “Pulchrum and Pulchritudo in Thomas Aquinas’s Comment on De divinis nominibus by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite.”

In 2002 he became a member of Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale (SIEPM). In September 2002 he participated in the International Theological Colloquium “Salvation in Europe” in Huissen, Netherlands. His address was entitled “Where are our frontiers in Poland?” Since 1998 he has participated in the annual interdisciplinary conferences “The Peculiarity of Man,” organized at the inspiration of Prof. Andrzej Wierciński by the University of Warsaw Department of Archeology and Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. In 2002–2006 he participated in the annual short-term research fellowships at the Bibliothèque du Saulchoir in Paris. In January 2003 he conducted lectures on the introduction to the thought of Thomas Aquinas at the Superior Institute of Religious Sciences of St. Thomas Aquinas in Kiev. In September 2003 he participated in the Internationale Echkart-Tagung conference in Erfurt.

In 2002 he founded the Dominican Academy of Philosophy and Theology in Warsaw, offering a program of supplementary studies in philosophy and theology, where he conducted lectures and seminars on the thought of Thomas Aquinas. In 2007 he founded the Warsaw Academy of Philosophy and Theology, with a similar profile, where he serves as the program director.

In January 2005 he published Thomas Aquinas’s Theory of Love: A Study of the Commentary on the Divine Names of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (Tomasza z Akwinu teoria miłości. Studium nad Komentarzem do «Księgi O imionach Bożych» Pseudo Dionizego Areopagity) as a book. In 2006 the same publishing house (Homini) published the book Metafizyczny pejzaż. Świat według Tomasza z Akwinu (Metaphysical Landscape: The World According to Thomas Aquinas), which became the basis for obtaining his postdoctoral (habilitation) degree in 2007 at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. This work is for the most part the fruit of many years of research on interpretation of selected philosophical concepts from the vocabulary of Thomas Aquinas, conducted under the auspices of Prof. Andrzej Wierciński’s “Peculiarity of Man” program mentioned above. In September 2006 he participated in the International Conference on the Philosophy of Religion in Granada, where he presented a paper entitled “God Is the Future.” In 2008 he participated in the International Conference on the Philosophy of Religion in Rome, where he presented a paper entitled “Faith as Questioning.”

In 2007–2009 he was a member of the jury for the Nike, one of Poland’s leading literary awards. In 2007 he published the book Paths of Freedom (Ścieżki wolności). In 2011 he published the book The End of Absolute Truth: Thomas Aquinas in the Era of Late Modernity (Koniec prawdy absolutnej. Tomasz z Akwinu w epoce późnej nowoczesności). He is currently a professor of philosophy at the Pultusk Academy of Humanities.


Tadeusz Bartoś, professor of philosophy at the Pultusk Academy of Humanities.


Tomasza z Akwinu teoria miłości: studium nad Komentarzem do księgi  «O imionach Bożych» Pseudo-Dionizego Areopagity. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Homini, 2004 (doctoral dissertation). (The Theory of Love in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary to the Divine Names by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite)

Metafizyczny pejzaż: świat według Tomasza z Akwinu. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Homini, 2006. (Metaphysical Landscape: The World According to Thomas Aquinas)

Ścieżki wolności: o teologii, sekularyzacji, demokracji w Kościele, celibacie i…. Cracow: Wydawnictwo Homini, 2007 (Paths of Freedom: On Theology, Secularization, Democracy in the Church, Celibacy and…)

Wolność, równość, katolicyzm. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo W.A.B., 2007 (Freedom, Equality and Catholicism)

Jan Paweł II: analiza krytyczna. Warsaw, Wydawnictwo Sic!, 2008. (John Paul II: A Critical Analysis)

Nowe światło: kościół a teologia dwudziestego wieku.” Cracow: Wydawnictwo Homini, 2008 (ed. and introduction). (A New World: The Church and 20th-Century Theology)

W poszukiwaniu mistrzów życia: rozmowy o duchowości (rozmawiają: Tadeusz Bartoś, Wojciech Eichelberger, Wojciech Szczawiński). Warsaw: Jacek Santorski & Co, 2009. (In Search of the Masters of Life: Discussions About Spirituality (Interviews with Tadeusz Bartoś, Wojciech Eichelberger and Wojciech Szczawiński))

Koniec prawdy absolutnej: Tomasz z Akwinu w epoce późnej nowoczesności. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo W.A.B., 2010. (The End of Absolute Truth: Thomas Aquinas in the Era of Late Modernity)



“Widzieć kontekst. Wskazówki do katechetycznej prezentacji Żydów i judaizmu.” Więź 4 (414) 1993. (“Within Context: Guidelines for the Catechetical Presentation of Jews and Judaism in the New Testament,” prepared in cooperation with the Secretariat for Catholic-Jewish Relations, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Adult Education Section, the Education Department, U.S. Catholic Conference, and the Interfaith Affairs Department, Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith)

Thomas Aquinas. Komentarz do Ewangelii Jana. Kęty: Wydawnictwo Antyk, 2002 (Commentary to the Gospel of John).



In Lithuanian:

“Apie nominalistines reinterpretacijos galimybę butes klausimu Tomo Akviniecio mokyme.” Logos, Trakai, 1996, pp. 55-59, trans. Birute Demkute.

“Semantiniai elementoi Tomo Akviniecio tiesos teorijoje.” Logos, Trakai, 1996, pp. 60-66, trans. Arturas Silanskas.

“Kodel Pansumas yra meiles priezastis?” Logos, Trakai, 1996, pp. 67-83, trans. Arturas Silanskas.

In Polish:

“Jedność Boga na tle teorii całości i części w Komentarzu św. Tomasza z Akwinu do De divinis nominibus Pseudo-Dionizego Areopagity.” Studia Theol. Vars. 37 (1999) No. 1, pp. 115-131. (“The Unity of God in the Light of the Theory of the Whole and its Parts in Aquinas’s Commentary on the De divinis nominibus by Pseudo-Dionysius”)

“Elementy semantyczne teorii prawdy u św. Tomasza z Akwinu”. Studia Theol. Vars. 38 (1999) No. 2, pp. 103-110. (“Semantic Elements of the Theory of Truth in Thomas Aquinas”)

“Samorealizacja człowieka w ujęciu św. Tomasza z Akwinu.” The Peculiarity of Man, vol. 4 (1999), pp. 195-201. (“Self-Fulfillment of Man in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas”)

“Definicje dobra i zła w pismach św. Tomasza z Akwinu”. The Peculiarity of Man, vol. 5 (2000), pp. 39-56. (“Notions of Good and Evil in the Writings of Thomas Aquinas”)

“Teologiczne drogi orzekania o Bogu w Komentarzu Tomasza z Akwinu do De divinis nominibus Pseudo-Dionizego Areopagity.” Przegląd Tomistyczny, vol. 8, pp. 245-260. (“Theological Ways of Speaking about God in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary to De divinis nominibus by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite”)

“Wybrane zagadnienie teologiczne i filozoficzne pojawiające się w kontekście użycia nazwy miłość w odniesieniu do Boga w ‘Komentarzu św. Tomasza z Akwinu do “De divinis nominibus” Pseudo-Dionizego Areopagity.” Studia Theol. Vars. 38 (2000), No. 1, pp. 33-64. (“Selected Theological and Philosophical Issues Arising in the Context of the Use of the Term ‘Love’ to Refer to God in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary to De divinis nominibus by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite”)

“Prawda jest działaniem. Kilka wniosków z lektury pism św. Tomasza z Akwinu. The Peculiarity of Man, vol. 6 (2001), pp. 109-118. (“Truth Is an Action: A Few Conclusions from the Writings of St. Thomas Aquinas”)

“O tym co Tomasz z Akwinu powiedział na temat piękna w Komentarzu do księgi O imionach Bożych Pseudo-Dionizego Areopagity.” The Peculiarity of Man, vol. 7 (2001), pp. 153-170 (“What Thomas Aquinas Said About Beauty in the Commentary to De divinis nominibus by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite”)

“W poszukiwaniu bezładu. Pojęcia ładu i bezładu u Tomasza z Akwinu.” The Peculiarity of Man, vol. 8 (2003), pp. 109-116. (“In Search of Disorder: Concepts of Order and Disorder in Thomas Aquinas”)

“Opisy czasu w pismach Tomasza z Akwinu.” The Peculiarity of Man, vol. 9 (2004), pp. 209-218. (“Descriptions of Time in the Writings of Thomas Aquinas”)

“Przykazania Kościelne na drodze człowieka do Boga.” Przegląd Powszechny, May 2004, pp. 249–262. (“The Church’s Teachings on Man’s Way to God”)

“Bolesne znużenie boską wiecznością? Analizy wypowiedzi Tomasza z Akwinu,” in Tajemnica czasu i religie, ed. I. Trzcińska. Cracow: Aureus, 2005, pp. 54–62. (“Is Divine Eternity Deadly Dull? Analyses of Comments by Thomas Aquinas”)

“Przykazania Kościelne na drodze człowieka do Boga,” in Pięć słów Kościoła. Warsaw: Rhetos, 2005, pp. 127–142. (“The Church’s Teachings on Man’s Way to God”)

“Etyka według Karola Wojtyły.” Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 1/2005, pp. 195–223. (“Ethics According to Karol Wojtyła”)

“Użycie języka logiki w teologii. Koło Krakowskie, 1936–1939,” in Od myślenia religijnego do filozofii. Polacy o religii, ed. Joanna Barcik & Grzegorz Chrzanowski. Cracow: PAT, 2005, pp. 161–198. (“Use of the Language of Logic in Theology: The Cracow Circle, 1936–1939”)

“Zrozumieć Jana Pawła II. Próba hermeneutyczna.” Znak, January 2006, pp. 52–75. (“Understanding John Paul II: A Hermeneutical Attempt”)

“Spojrzenie wędrowca.” Znak, April 2006, pp. 42–49. (“The Gaze of the Wanderer”)

“Nie kradnij, nie pożądaj rzeczy bliźniego twego.” Przegląd Powszechny 11 (1023), November 2006, pp. 50–60. (“Thou Shalt Not Steal or Covet”)

“To nie atak na Kościół – to głos w obronie ludzi.” Znak, April 2007. (“Not an Attack on the Church—A Voice in Defense of People”)

“Jezus historyczny – w stronę chrześcijaństwa z ludzką twarzą.” Znak 646, May 2009, pp. 105-110. (“The Historical Jesus: Toward a Christianity with a Human Face”)

“Benedykt XVI – nowy etap katolickiego rozumienia Shoah?” in Zagłada Żydów. Pismo centrum badań nad zagładą Żydów IFiS PAN, No. 5, Warsaw 2009. (“Benedict XVI: A New Stage in Catholic Understanding of the Shoah?”)

“Jednorodność.” Więź 1/615, January 2010, pp. 27-32. (“Homogeniety”)

“Praktykować moralność.” Res Humana 1/104, 2010, Supplement, pp. 8-12. (“Practicing Morality”)

“Resentyment wiecznie żywy.” Res Humana 2/105, 2010, pp. 56-58. (“Undying Resentment”)

“Wir sind Kirche.” Znak 667, XII 2010, pp. 133-140. (“We Are the Church”)

“Sekularyzacja. Fakty i mity.” Znak 678, November 2011, pp. 88-95. (“Secularization: Facts and Myths”)

“Indywidualizm, wiarygodność, kompetencja.” Gdańsk Institute for Market Economics, 2011. (“Individualism, Reliability and Competence”)

„Religijny język na nowe czasy.” Kwartalnik filozoficzny, Kraków, 2012, No XL, pp. 65–84 („Religious language for new times”).

In English:

“The Wonderful World of Aquinas,” in Między drzewem życia a drzewem poznania. Księga ku czci profesora Andrzeja Wiercińskiego, Warsaw-Kielce, 2003, pp. 35-40 (festshrift).

“The Theological Ways of Speaking About God in Thomas Aquinas’ Commentary on the Divinis Nominibus by Dionysius Areopagita.” Logos, Vilnius, 2001 No. 24, pp. 22-34 (in Lithuanian with English summary).

“On the Benefits Resulting from the Application of the Reistic Model of Interpreting Philosophical Statements of Thomas Aquinas,” in Thomism and the Future of Philosophy, ed. Dalia Marija Stanciene. Vilnius: Logos, 2002, pp. 136-147 (in English with Lithuanian summary).

Pulchrum and pulchritudo in Thomas Aquinas’ Comment on De divinis nominibus by Pseudo- Dionysius Areopagite.” Mediaevalia. Textos e estudos, vol. 4 (2005), pp. 425–432.

“The Faces of John Paul,” in The Open Throne: Contemporary Art and the Phenomenon of John Paul II. Wigry: DPT Wigry, 2011.

About me

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